What is micro influencer marketing and how does it strengthen your brand or business?
We will give you the answers through insightful blog posts.

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What is it that micro influencers do?
Why does your company have to start out a new marketing tool? What can you even use those microinfluencers for? The answer is pretty simple. They just

Use micro-influencers or die!
Yes, well, sorry about that. But microinfluencers are the way to go, if you want to servicein the marketing game. It’s actually for the company’s best that

Micro influencer marketing – a long-term investment
Many believes that micro influencer marketing is something, you use as a kind of “quick fix” when your company needs a few more followers or likes

Becoming an influencer
If you’re sitting with your Instagram-profile in the hand thinking about what you can do with all of your followers, I have an answer for you. Becoming an influencer!

Why you as micro influencer should connect with an agency
The market of influencer marketing is growing. You might already know that. But if you are planning to do some influencing yourself, there are some steps to

What is the right micro influencer platform?
For you as a brand to find just the right platformthat can take your campaign into influencer marketing, you need to look for a while. Don’t

6 ways to make your posts on Instagram stand out
In an Instagram-world where there is more and more competition on the followers’ attention, you as a micro influencer need to stand out and especially in your Instagram

How to get 1000 followers on Instagram
How to get 1000 followers on InstagramIt’s easy to be on Instagram and get a couple of hundred followers –your friends, family, network. But getting closer to

Micro-influencers bring the new angle to your marketing
Your marketing needs an improvement. Sometimes you need to do something new to get more customers. But you don’t have to spend a lot of money every