Optimize your search with Google

The better your SEO on your website is the better will Google rate you in their searchengines. Therefore,you need to optimize your entire site as much on the term of Google you can. Meaning you need to have meta descriptionsand SEO-titles on all your pages and posts. Often you can download a plugin like Yoast that can help you to optimize your SEO in a simple way. 

If you want to, there is also a whole marketing aspect of Google called SEM where you can pay to get ahead of all your competitors. But before getting into that you need to focus on optimizing your SEO

Create content yourself

When you are done optimizing your website, you need to start producing content for your blog, social media and newsletter. Of course,youwill need some working hours to do so, but it’s much cheaper and more fun than if you hire an agency to do it. It also brings a certain “human touch” to it all, when you can tell that the people behind the company produced it themselves. Se more ways of bringing the human touch to your company here. 

Also, you can share the content again and again on social media, which can help create attention. It is of course about producing great and inspiring content, but it can just focus on the internal just as much

Guest posts on blogs

Another way of getting people to see you is by being a “guest star”. You probably know a lot of people in your business that have websites like yourself and have a blog. Try suggesting that you should write guest posts on each other’s blogs, so that your readers will get to know them, and their readers will get to know your brand.In that way they also get something out of helping you. It doesn’t have to be much, just a little bit on the area that your company are experts.

It can of course also be on different kind of business’ blogs. In that way you can bring something new to their customers, who might not expect to read your expertise, but will be glad to read the post about something else. If you for example are an expert oneconomics and act on a blog at a marketing company, it wouldn’t be what the readers expect, but it will be a nice touch.

Influencer marketing

A cheap way of creating attention on your own –or sort of –is with microinfluencers. With a relatively small budget you and your company can have a lot of people to share and comment on either your brand or one of your products. Even the smallest influencers have over 1000 followers, so the message can move fast on fx Instagram with just a few microinfluencers. All it takes is that you have some kind of products that the influencers can test and show.

Read all about micro influencers here.

Guest speaking

As with guest staringon blogs you can also guest staroral. Are you a great speaker or lecturer, then get out there and do some lectures on your expertise-area. Even thoughyou’re a company with a certainservice that you make money on, get out anyway. If you really don’t’ have anything, start by telling about why you’re so good at what you do. It doesn’t’ cost anything but gives a lot of advertising.

Network, network, network

No matter which business you’re in, you can never network to much. Both inside your business and outside. Use channels like LinkedIn a lot or go to network meetings and meet new people. The more who knows you, the bigger is the possibility to get new and more customers. Because your network will recommend you.


It might almost seem to obvious, but with newsletters you can advertise for your services, produce stories about employees and of course –share your blogposts. And the smart thing is that you can segment it, so that your customers get one newsletter, and your potential customers get another one. In that way you will continuously show up in their mailbox and therefore also their thoughts.

Product giveaways

Last but not least you can consider sampling as an almost freetool in your marketing. Even though it costs a little to produce the sampling-products, you want to hand out, it doesn’t skip the budget. A lot of the companies that make promotional items can do it cheap and in such great volume that you have for many handouts. Both water bottles, pens or chocolate.

But remember! The free or cheap advertisement should go both ways. So when a person in your network asks if he or she can have a post on your blog, then do it. And does your company throw a conference, ask in your network, if anyone is an expert on that area. Free advertising does cost money, but it needs commitment from you.

Source: HubSpot

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